Hey guys. I was fortunate enough to have heard back from some of the Hall of Fame Selection Committee members, but I found this one to be the most interesting. One gentlemen wrote back to me saying, "Steve: I share your enthusiasm for Ray Guy as a Hall of Famer. Don’t give up hope. He deserves his day in Canton and I think he’ll get there in the near future. He’s got my vote." This was exciting news! Obviously out of the many members on the committee, Ray does have support, but it is another thing to have it confirmed to you personally. I wrote back, and in the letter asked him what exactly it was that he thinks is holding Ray out of the Hall. He said this "Some voters don't believe a punter belongs in the Hall." Is that a valid reason to keep Guy out of the Hall? Is it because he is in the genre of "kicker"? That can't be it, Jan Stenerud is in the Hall though. Is it the personal achievements such as the Pro Bowl? No....Guy went to more Pro Bowls. Is it the championships? Can't be, He won two more Super Bowls than Stenerud. Hmm...