Thursday, November 26, 2009

Semifinalists to be announced Saturday...

Hey guys. The semifinalists for the class of 2010 will be announced on the NFL Network on Saturday. Be sure to watch "Road to Canton" at 1 P.M. I know I will be praying to hear Guy's name being said on the upcoming list and eventually on the final ballot! It has been exciting to see the votes pour in to the "Voice Your Choice" sponsored by "Van Heusen" regarding whom the fans would like to see get inducted into the upcoming class. Here is how the top 3 currently looks:

1. Jerry Rice - 19,791 votes
2. Emmit Smith - 16,832 votes
3. Ray Guy - 12,343

I have been absolutely ecstatic to see the fans of all teams place Ray Guy behind the greatest wide receiver to ever grace a football field as well as arguably the greatest running back! Not too shabby! It's great to see others share in the enthusiasm to get Guy in the Hall and I will be looking forward to the announcements on Saturday. Only time will tell!